
The motion picture was recorded during the winter of 1931, on the corner of Verpeléti and Bicskei Streets in Budapest - as Ferenc Karinthy remembers. The film starts with the pictures of Frigyes Karinthy and his adopted son, Tamas Kertész. Later, Karinthy with other children can be seen. The main "theme" of the following scene is the children sliding on sledges. First, Tamas Kertész, shortly afterwards Ferenc Karinthy (Cini) appear. After this, Cini and his father shake hands, Frigyes Karinthy pats his son on the shoulder, while the other children stand around them. The film ends with the picture of the children standing on the hill.

A short part of the movie can be downloaded by clicking on the image (MPG, 253k).

The original can be found in the PIM Art Collection (Nr. 282.), donated by Kosztolányi Ádám in 1972.